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21012 Hilliard Boulevard
Rocky River, Ohio 44116

(440) 331-0600

Official website of the City of Rocky River, Ohio, providing community profile, information on local government, safety forces and education.

Rocky River Updates

Filtering by Category: mayor

City of Rocky River Heritage Home Program

Richard Bycoskie

Residents who are owners of homes over 50 years old should have received a letter in the mail this week from Mayor Bobst about the Heritage Home Program. Rocky River is now participating in this program, which provides owners of homes over 50 years old with access to free technical assistance and low-cost financing for home improvement and maintenance projects. There will be an in-person presentation about the program on February 25, 2025 at 6:00 pm at the Rocky River Senior Center. For more information, you can contact the Heritage Home Program at 216-426-3116 or Kathryn Kerber, Rocky River Director of Planning & Community Development at 440-895-2598 or