City of Rocky River, Ohio

Building Department

The Rocky River Building Department is located at City Hall on the 2nd floor.

The Department is responsible for all engineering, and the issuance of all building permits


8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday

24/7 service available through the use of Citizenserve. Click here.

Looking for applications for plan reviews and permits?

Visit the Rocky River Building Department Permit Application Library or Citizenserve.

The Department is responsible for enforcement of the rules adopted by the Ohio Board of Building Standards and of Chapters 3781. and 3791. of the Revised Code relating to the construction, arrangement, and the erection of buildings or parts thereof. Also:

  • Plan review and Issuance of Building permits.

  • Civil engineering review to the extent of submitted projects.

  • Contractor and business registration.

  • Rental unit registration and inspection.

  • Verifies compliance with the Ohio Building Code, Residential Code of Ohio (RCO), and the Rocky River Zoning Code.

  • Maintains the value and quality of the existing commercial and housing stock through the use of the City of Rocky River's Property Maintenance Code.

 Attention Commercial Property Owners:

In March of 2024 the City of Rocky River adopted the Ohio 2024 updated code cycle for Building, Plumbing, HVAC, Electrical, Fuel Gas and Existing Building Codes.

The new Ohio Existing Building Code requires a detailed submission when meeting any of the below.

CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY. Any of the following shall be considered as a change of occupancy where the current building code requires a greater degree of safety, accessibility, structural strength, fire protection, means of egress, ventilation or sanitation than is existing in the current building or structure:

1.      Any change in the occupancy classification of a building or structure.

2.     Any change in the purpose of, or a change in the level of activity within, a building or structure.

3.     A change of use.

CHANGE OF USE. A change in the use of a building or a portion of a building, within the same group classification, for which there is a change in application of the code requirements.

Projects Requiring Plan Approvals:

  • Commercial changes in occupancy or use.

  • Commercial new building or build-outs.   

  • Commercial Parking lots, driveways and walks                                                                                                           

  • Commercial signage.

  • Commercial or Residential Demolition.

  • Commercial or Residential Electric work. 

  • Commercial or Residential Fire Alarm work

  • Commercial or Residential Fire Suppression work

  • Commercial or Residential HVAC work.  

  • Commercial or Residential Plumbing work.

  • Commercial or Residential Sewer/storm & Water work  

  • Commercial or Residential swimming pool or Hot Tub construction

  • Curb Cutting for driveways

  • Dumpsters (when not associated with a permitted project) 

  • Garage, Yard or House Sales - limited to two (2) per calendar year, no more than three (3) days each, held only between the hours of 9 a.m. and 6 p.m.

  • Paint Removal and Exterior Surface Cleaning

  • Residential Accessory structures - Fences, sheds, Decks, Play structure, pools, etc.

  • Residential addition.

  • Residential Detached Garage

  • Residential Driveways and walks

  • Residential I & I   (Inflow and Infiltration)

  • Residential interior remodeling.

  • Residential new home construction.   

  • Right-of-way construction

  • Sidewalk and curb crossings

  • Small cell installation

  • Storage pods

  • Street cleaning

  • Street openings

  • Waterproofing.                               

Less Requested Permits:

  • Decorative Devices for Tree Lawns

  • Direct satellite receiving stations

  • Going out of Business Sales

  • House Moving.

  • Obstructing Tree Lawns, Streets and Sidewalks.

  • Outdoor Shows.

  • Recreational Equipment

Building Information

Submit 24/7 online at

Mail, or drop off during business hours at:

City of Rocky River
Rocky River Building Department
21012 Hilliard Blvd,
Rocky River, OH 44116

• Cash or check only at this point in development we are still not able to process credit or online payments.

• Check Payment Requirements Info Required:

  1. Contractor registration: Contractor Name and Address

  2. Permit Application: Pemit Number and Jobsite Address

  3. Rental Application: Rental Address and Owners Name

Note: All information on the application is REQUIRED. If your application or payment is incomplete, it may be rejected.

For more information, please call 440-356-2139.

Proposals submitted with necessary review by the Boards and Commissions shall need to be submitted to the Planning Department per the below schedule.

Permit applications, Rentals, & Contractor Registration

Department Contacts

Department Phone Number:


Raymond Reich

Building Commissioner


Zoning Administrator

Flood Plain Administrator

Megan Moran

Permit Tech

Aaron Hare


Luke Markovich

RBO, Rental Inspector

John Peters

Property Maintenance Inspector

Contact the Building Department