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21012 Hilliard Boulevard
Rocky River, Ohio 44116

(440) 331-0600

Official website of the City of Rocky River, Ohio, providing community profile, information on local government, safety forces and education.

Rocky River Updates

Rocky River School Openings

Rob Montgomery

Schools in Rocky River will soon be open and in session. Start dates are as follows:


Ruffing Montessori School – Monday, August 19

Lutheran West High School - Tuesday, August 20

Rocky River Public Schools – Wednesday, August 21

St. Christopher School - Wednesday, August 21

St. Thomas Lutheran School - Wednesday, August 21

Magnificat High School - Friday, August 23


Please remember to stay alert while driving and be aware of students commuting to school in cars and school buses, on bicycles, and on foot. Please watch for and yield to pedestrians and school crossing guards. Please review the rules below regarding when to stop for a school bus in Ohio. During school days the following will be enforced:  prohibited right turn on red as marked, school zone speed limits, and prohibitions on passing school buses. Take care while driving for everyone’s safety. Thank you.