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21012 Hilliard Boulevard
Rocky River, Ohio 44116

(440) 331-0600

Official website of the City of Rocky River, Ohio, providing community profile, information on local government, safety forces and education.

Rocky River Updates

Filtering by Category: City Council

Cuyahoga County Competitive Municipal Grant Programs

Rob Montgomery

The City of Rocky River is eligible to apply for funding from Federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds and Community Development Supplemental Grant (CDSG) funds administered by Cuyahoga County through the Department of Development. Funds can be used for a variety of housing, economic development and community improvement projects. The city proposes applying for funding for improvements at the park at the corner of Shoreland Avenue and Wooster Road. Residents are invited to attend a public meeting to voice their opinions on local development needs, or to submit opinions in writing to the address below.


Date/Time: August 29, 2024 at 4:30 pm

Location: Rocky River City Hall Council Chambers, 21012 Hilliard Boulevard.


For further information or to provide comments, contact Kathryn Kerber, Director of Planning and Community Development, at 440-895-2598 or


Any person who wishes to attend and requires special accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act, please contact Director Kerber no later than 72 hours prior to the public meeting.

Message to the Community from Mayor Pam Bobst

Richard Bycoskie

A little more than a week has passed since Rocky River experienced a tornado weather event along with high winds throughout our city causing a significant impact on our daily lives. While challenging in many respects, I want to extend a thank you to our residents and businesses for their patience, thoughtfulness, flexibility, and resiliency. Also, a special thanks to the Rocky River Public Schools for providing space for First Energy to stage their equipment and mobilize.  We especially acknowledge the kindness and generosity extended to our safety forces, service department employees, electric company personnel, and, most importantly, to one another. I’ve heard so many stories of neighbors helping neighbors with yard work, tree work, childcare, meal preparation, laundry, generator sharing - even brewing morning coffee for the neighborhood.  It speaks so highly about the level of care and compassion in our community.  It reminds me of how we have always come together like during Super Storm Sandy and our response to the Covid pandemic. We traverse these challenging situations together.

We are an important service industry, providing essential services day-to-day as well as during weather emergencies, with each city department focusing on critical services.  We know that our service to you is foundational to our community’s success. Our employees, at every level, possess an unwavering dedication to meeting your needs with the highest level of services. Hopefully, you observed this commitment in action.  While the tornado was unexpected, our emergency plans were in place and those allowed us to respond quickly.  The investments that we have made over the years in technology, communications, building improvements, vehicles and specialized equipment served the community well.  Having generators to power our buildings and Continuity of Operation plans in each department means we were able to provide a safe location for residents to charge devices, stay cool, take showers, connect to work, etc.  While our reaction to the tornado’s aftermath was immediate, we are engaged in an ongoing assessment of the community’s needs, both individually and collectively.

Communication is key when we are faced with situations like what occurred last week.  My hope is that the information provided through ReadyNotify was helpful as you had a need to travel throughout the city and needed services or support.  I understand that when the power isn’t being restored it is frustrating and anxiety producing, especially when you can’t get the answers you’re looking for.  Please know that we cannot provide information that we do not have.  We worked closely with First Energy, Cox Communications and other providers to address all the complicated needs that the tornado left in its path.  We do not have direct control over their protocol for prioritizing their response, but we remain tireless advocates for our residents.  Please encourage you friends and neighbors to register for ReadyNotify on the City’s website – this is our primary communications platform and a great source for timely information.  Additionally, if you have questions, concerns or a need, please reach out to us for credible, reliable information and action.

Once again, thank you for the notes, emails and calls expressing thanks and appreciation for the City’s response – There is no greater gift! 

Kindest regards,
Mayor Pam Bobst
City of Rocky River